Antonio & Joyce

Because you have been part of our lives through your friendship and love, Antonio & Joyce invite you to share the beginning of our new life together...

30 May 2006

Met Mom in Europe

25 May 2006


買了門票進去, 家還真大, 我們開玩笑的說怎麼那麼多人來我們家庭院... 你還說家上面的那块地你也要買下來呢... 呵呵 /you said you want to buy also the land upstair our house ^^
因為塞車,本來三個小時的車程, 開了約五個小時到verona...已經晚上十一點了!我們找了半天, 才找到Juliet的家...
你對我說每天都要給我一個驚喜...有時你會忽然開RS6載我出去, 有時帶我到一個我沒去過的地方,有時帶我去吃好吃的,今天晚上你竟然忽然拿出一個小禮物盒. 好意外, 因為記得上次你忽然送我小禮物是在38婦女節. 打開小盒子,里面竟然是一顆鑽石戒子...你說讓我和我的耳環配成一套. 在這段正忙著婚禮的時侯你也不忘你是因為有多愛我. 此時, 真有種強烈的戀愛感覺...

12 May 2006


Why this is not my father's boat???
....But, you told me "i am very satisfied to what i have... because i have happiness and i have you with me..."